And back to the High Elves! The white is nearly done on the final batch of spears. After that I need to do a bit of repair work (my paints got dropped on a strip and broke 10-15 of the spears) but hopefully I'll be able to finish up the flesh and move on to the leather/wood next week.
Here's the standard bearer for my general. I used the dragon head from one of the spearmen command strips for the top of the pole. I need to do some putty work on the sides though where I cut it free. The pennant is from the Dark Eldar Raider banner, they work pretty well I think.
Finally, here's an alternate Wizard I'm working on. I didn't like him on the column of air/shooting the fire so those got chopped off, plus I added some weapon swaps. He needs a lot of putty work to cover everything up.