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Right in the Growler

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It's been quite painting-wise these past couple of months. Recently I've been working on some Microworld Games TEF Growlers for EpiComp. I had originally intended to camo them yellow and green, but ended up going with this scheme instead on a whim. I think they came out alright, and it gave me a bit of practice with my airbrush. I'm not sure how time I saved using it though.

Ranging Short and Wide - Part III

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A mid-week update since September was so lacking. The Rangers are finished with the paint table. With any luck I should be able to get them sealed and based up by Friday for another picture.

In the end I went with coonskin caps...

fancy deep red renaissance hats...

and not umpire hats and straw boaters. :P

138th Post Spectacular: A Dwarven Hat Identification Guide

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I've been slacking on the painting and the updating but managed to get in some serious progress this week. All that's left on the Rangers is to touch-up the hair, redo the weapon metal (I don't like how it came out) and do the hats. To that end, does anyone know what these various kinds of hats are called/know of some good pictures for inspiration?

This guy looks like he belongs in a Devo video...

This looks like some kind of foppish Renaissance hat?

No idea on the guy on the left, for the right a Keffiyeh?

This guy looks like he's a baseball umpire.

And this appears to be a straw boater...

Ranging Short and Wide - Part II

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I got the metal basecoated and washed this week, next week I'll be highlighting it and putting down the basecoat for the cloth and maybe the leather/wood.

Question for people, under what I'm taking to be the breast plate there's a small raised line. What do people think it is, part of the armor or a belt?

Ranging Short and Wide

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I started in on the Dwarf Rangers this week. I got basecoats for their flesh and hair done, as well as a wash on both of those. These guys are pretty much all beard so that's a bit more painting than it sounds like.

Before I highlight these I think I'm going to work on the armor and clothing first, as the beards are higher up. Doing it the other way around will just make for more touch-up work.

Dwarves at the Starting Line

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The Dwarves are now all primed up and ready for some paint (I'm leaning towards a light grey and blue scheme). I'll either be embarking down that road next or painting up the MoW Empire fleet. Not sure which as of yet.

As with my Elf command strips I did a little bit of conversion on the banners. A friend at my FLGS gave me some Warhammer Dwarf shield icons and I turned them into banner tops.

Specialist Games Day

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We ran a Specialist Games Day at the Whiz this past weekend. There were Epic, Warmaster, Bloodbowl, Spacehulk and Trafalgar games all over the place.

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