I finally finished up my Sword Master command conversions. There's two units worth plus an extra and some Sword Masters for a Hero stand. The musician involved some leg, arm and weapon swaps, and the standard bearer the same plus a head swap and a bunch of putty to fix up the standard.
I managed to get the first coat of green on two of these guys this past week. My original Bogey Green has been all used up, this other pot is slightly different. I'm hoping after the highlights, details and dullcote are on them though it won't be too noticeable.
Next week I'll finish the third one up and start in on the highlights. Then I have to figure out what the hell I'm painting black/metal on them.
Also, Thundercats Ho!
I finished the casualty counters last week, although it's taken me another week just to dullcote them. Once I finish the Sword Master command I'll base them up with those guys and the Dwarf Rangers from last year.
Also, it's been too long since I posted any Epic. These guys are for Adepticon this year, I'm looking forward to finally being able to do a SM air-cav list.
A dozen plus two half northeast US yocals fight it out for bragging rights at the fifth and a half annual NEAT.