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Adepitcon 2013 Warmaster

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Here's the Warmaster portion of my Adepticon 2013 experience. Four of us played three 2k games over the course of last Friday. My High Elves faced down Jordan's Undead, Nat's Dark Elves and Eric's Chaos army. Good games all.

Bring out your dead Sword Masters!

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The basing on the Sword Masters and casualty markers is all set for Adepticon. No I need to decide what I'm going to drop from my 2k list to fit them in.

Sword Masters - Nearly There

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The Sword Masters are almost done. I just have to finishing painting the bases and then flock them (and fix a few mistakes the macro function showed me). One banner I took from the Warhammer High Elf book, the other is the Alaitoc Craftword rune.

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