Another year, another gift for my buddy Matt. A Death Wheel is one of the few units that he doesn't have for his Emperor's Children army, so taking a cue from The Oatmeal's lovely comic about the word literally I set out to make him one. This is what I came up with, the GayRoller 40k!
And next, a return to the Man O' War Empire fleet that I started a year ago. I've finally got all the ships and bases to the point where I can paint them all at the same time (important as I regularly paint things at different times that are slightly different from one another).
These Ironfist conversions were the biggest hold up (specifically, not being motivated to make them). I took the mortar end from the regular Ironfist, cut it off, and glued it on to the oar end of a metal Wargalley. It bothered me that the Ironfist had the same stats as the Wargalley but looked so different/didn't have oars.
Aside from these, the only other things I'd like to paint for my Marines is a Reaver and some EA Thunderbolts and Marauders. Hoping to have them done and maybe decal the Marines this year.