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What are our words?

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So I came across a can of flexible rubber coating while in Home Depot last weekend. It's different from those that I seen before in that it's white, and it's not meant to be peeled off. I used to get my mats from, but he's since closed up shop and even before that he stopped making a snow mat before I could pick one up. Given that, I decided to try and use this stuff out to make my own. Here's the result:

Snow Terrain

I pretty much spray a piece of vinyl with it, let it dry, sprayed it again, sprinkled some tan flock on there, covered it with snow flock, and placed a book over it while it dried.

Snow Terrain

I think it came out alright. There's some warping, so it's currently sitting under a book to see if it will flatten out. I'm also going to try and hit it with a coat or two of dullcote. The tan flocking stuck alright (I brushed a lot off) but the snow flocking stuck very well I think.

Ready to Play

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I finished up the Orlocks I played with at Adepticon this past week. My Juves, Heavy Bolter and second leader will be benched until I circle back around again. I'm pretty happy with how these came out. At somepoint I might try to paint some road lines on the bases, we'll see how that goes.

Necromunda Orlock Leader

I tried my hand at weathering (?) the end of the flamer as per an old Citadel painting book. Not sure on it yet.

Necromunda Orlock Heavy

There was no detail on the rope tied to the top of the pack, so I had to freehand the highlights. I think it works out pretty week for you're everyday, run-of-the-mill rope.

Necromunda Orlock Heavy

The rest of the gangers are below. Only two of them are new from last week but I forgot which ones they were when I was taking the pictures. :P

Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger Necromunda Orlock Ganger

Finally, here's a shot of what's left to paint. The leader's nearly there but the Heavy's going to need some work and putty, while the Juves just paint.

Necromunda Orlock Leader

Adepticon Slideshow Spectacular!

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Some shots from a few of my Adepticon events this year. On Friday we had Warmaster. I faced off against Matt's newly painted Chaos, Chad's Orcs who were lead by Warboss Hal (who we dragged to the games), and Eric's Chaos. My Cav reinforcements decided to not show up on the first game which made it a draw despite the Elves breaking Matt's Chaos. The second game saw two brigades of infantry on a hill surrounded by an ocean of Orcs. They managed to hold out until the rest of the army got there. The final game saw some poor command rolls for Chaos and good ones for the Elves. The Silverhelms and Chariots mopped up a good portion of the army thanks to a charge in the flank.

Matt's hounds and knights. Warriots, Marauders and Spawn. Part of this complete breakfast... Welcome to the gun show! Matt's infantry move up into the built up area. His cav charge my spearmen. Chaos Rodeo Eric's Knights and Marauder cav. The general whips the unwashed masses forward. Jordan's Swiss themed Empire. Unwashed Empire Masses

Hal, Eric, Jordan and I played some Epic pickup games Saturday night on the Flames of War boards that weren't in use and Sunday was the Epic Armageddon challenge. Unfortunately one guy dropped out so we were odd for the day, but we got a tremendous amount of prize support from Onslaught Miniatures and Microworld Games so everyone went home happy.

My TBolts straffe Hal's Marines. Hal's Assault Marines moving up. Dakka dakka dakka! Hal's Land Raiders go off roading. Eric's Blitz Brigade idling at the baseline. Stormboyz deploy! Eric's Orks defend their homes. Jordan's IG prepare to evict them. With a little help from an armored company. Trukk go boom. We goes to da DANJUR ZONE!!!1! My Marines move up. Scorching Dirty Eric's Flyboyz hit the Arty company. Big Gunz bringing the hurt. A Dreadnought Falcon Punches one of Hal's Land Raiders. Next turn they engage his Whirlwinds. My Marines square off against Nat's Eldar. One of Nat's two AA formations that needed to die something fierce. Mechanized Guardians move up. My scouts screening the Devastators. Matt's Krieg ready for battle. SaltShaking the Earth Hal's Marines grab an objective. Skochas hitting the trenches. Anthony's Armoured Company. Sentinels screening the infantry. Mech Coy Forward! Maybe little pinch? More Eldar on the move. Digging In Krieg Arty and Flak park. Dan's Orkeosaurus Old Green Eye Lots of Squiggoths! Armour on the move. IG doing what they do best, staying in cover. Bring it down! Dakka dakka dakka dakka! The Krieg make use of some Hellhounds reclaimed from Ork hands. They take to the trenches. Nat's Firestorms and Falcons moving up. The Battle for Warehouse 23 A Warhound tiptoeing through the arty park. Feral's holding the line. They face Anthony's IG. Eric's Blitz Brigade taking fire. Thanks to Hal's Land Raiders. A Subjugator Hunter, on lone.
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