Some shots from the Northeast (US) Epic Armageddon Tournament VII that we held at the Time Machine in Manchester, CT this past weekend.
This went south real quick...
Kill, maim, purge the extinct xenos!
Weeeeeeeeee!!!!! No me mean, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!
Matt's KoS close in on Ruth's Decimators.
Pinch pinch pinch pinch...
Cameron's Steel Legion playing King of the Hill
Dead Sentinels
Guardsmen doing what they do best, hiding in cover.
The Ordinatus with its Giant Green Cube and Beige Cube of Life buddies.
Russes lead the cough drops safely across the board.
Bill Thudd Gun Line
Scarik's Russes
Ruth's Night Lord Bikers
Pouring one out for the O-man.
Jimmy's Assault Marines slinking through the woods.
Every picture I took of Chris' Decimators has them broken.
Ron the Tormenting Tormentor Titan
How do they load these things?
Eric's Macharius escorting their Green Cubes of Life.
Drive me closer so I can hit them with my sword!
Matt's KoS putting the hurt on Coach's Night Lords.
Strafing the Thin Blue Line
Karl's Guard taking a pounding.
Baneblades running it up the middle.
Kalpesh's Infantry
Sprinkled with some DZC
Eldar doing what Eldar do best, hiding.
More Guard making bank.
James' Squats holding up in some cover.
Run Cubey!
A KoS flushing some Night Lords out of cover.
Burn, Squiggy, Burn!
A Feral surveys the Ork Horde and doesn't like what it sees.
More Red vs Blue
Airwolf Theme
Ron, being a dick, as usual.
Jimmy's Blood Angels moving up.
Iron Warriors, preparing to hurt them.
And they say my dice are weighted.
Eldar, hugging the cover.
Tim's Warlord getting some exercise.
Making Crop Circles
Still Kicking
Sentinels on the prowl.
Rob's Whirlwinds
Ruth's Night Lords taking fire from Jimmy's Speeders.
They never say hello to you until you get it on the red line overload.
Night Lord holding some woods.
A Greater Daemon get's ready to play wack-a-mole!
The Kash... forget it.
Scarik's Stormhammers Advance
They shot their sponsons off!
A swarm moving up to assault.
My Lictors, shortly before Bill shot them to pieces.