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Looking for a Place Called Lee Ho Fook's

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It's been pretty quiet in the update department here. I've been painting a bunch, but just haven't gotten around to taking pictures lately. Here's a slew of pics of the wolves that I took this past Sunday. They're nearing completion, I need to finish up the leather, do the metal, claws and basing and they should be set to go. Hoping to finish them up before CaptainCon so I can put a few colors on the Vampires at least.

Mechanicon 2015 Epic Armageddon Tournament

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Some shots from this past weekend. They're mostly from my games but I did manage to snap some shots of the other games as well as some army shots at the end. Enjoy!

New England Warmaster Tournament (NEWT I)

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Some pics from the other weekend. We had a few cancellations that last week and only ended up with 5 people. Much 10mm death was dished out, roast beef eaten and road travelled looking for a restaurant that would host us for dinner. Enjoy!

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