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Two Belts on the Arm Are Worth?

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I finally got my camera down to my FLGS where my Blood Engine has been sat to get some pictures of him last night. I'm pretty happy with how he came out. I used all of the new GW technical paints on him to try them out.

Not sure what this arm is for, but it was a "two belter". One belt wouldn't keep it attached.

Knight Traction

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I haven't posted in awhile, but have been working on some Epic and Wrath of Kings over the last few months. I began building an Eldar army and painted some levy for my Knights, Epic-wise. I still need to do Snipers, anti-air and artillery yet.

Wrath of Kings-wise, I finished up my Blood Engine (pics to come) and I've been frantically painting the Mighty Taur for a local painting competition that ends tomorrow. It's going to be close.

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