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Not Dead Yet!

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It's been nearly a month since I picked up a paint brush what with Thanksgiving, vacation and newer hobbies but here we are. The Wraithlords are nearly finished. The biggest thing left are the Wraithseer blades, after that it's just touch up and basing. Hopefully I'll get to those before EpiComp entry closes at the end of the month.

The Return of Bigger Sci-fi Elf Spirit Zombies

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It's been slow going due to some 1:1 scale projects, but I've made progress on the Wraithlords. Five are done, I've got another seven to do the orange highlights on and they'll be good as well.

Fall In! 2017 Epic Armageddon Tournament

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Here's the shots I managed to grab from the Fall In! 2017 Epic Armageddon Tournament this past Saturday. We had ten people go this, up from the six we had last year. It was a good time with plenty of army variety and some great terrain.

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