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All Your Base

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I started on the objectives with the hopes of finishing them before Cold Wars next weekend. The Wraithgate is all painted up, the others need most of the bone paints still. After something Maashes Caisteal said I spit up my three objectives into four. Now I can just swap out the Wraithgate when needed, rather than having to swap it with one of my opponents.

I also got a few coats of red down on the Avatar. Hoping to have him done for Adepticon.

There goes the other one.

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The Phoenix are all finished up, I got the highlights done throughout the week and also did the engine exhaust. I added a little bit of blue and white edging on engines themselves, it's not overly noticeable though.

I magnetised the weapons in the Revenant, I need to convert up its Sonic Lances next and get going on the other three.

The second Phantom is mostly together now as well. I just need to add shoulders and finishing magnetising its weapons too.

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