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Get Your Anti-Gravitic Motor Running

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I've been working on the Jetbikes for the last two weeks. Just the orange highlights are left at this point as well as the decals.

I didn't have these ready for Fall In!, but they're going to be getting some paint early next year I think, six custom Night Spinner turrets. I used most of the Forgeworld turret, just replacing the cockpit glass with some from fan-made proxies.

These didn't make it down to Fall In! either but I'm hoping to finish them before the end of the year and EpiComp. They're my Wild Riders, I decided to paint them up in Sunblitz Brotherhood colors.

Pics from Fall In! 2018

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I ran a Warmaster Revolution tournament this past Friday down at Fall In!, and played in an Epic Armageddon tournament on Saturday. Great games and great armies. Enjoy the pics!

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