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Falcons, Spears and Revenants, Oh My

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I finished the first of the six Falcon turrets last Friday right before NEAT. The next six are going to be magnetised so I can swap them out for Fire Prism turrets (haven't started on those yet though).

I also did some conversion work earlier this week on my Revenants. I did some leg swaps to add some pose variety and magnetized the weapons. I have some Vibrocannon arm conversions to work on and a bit of puttying to do before these see paint.

Finally, I finished up the lances and gems on the Shining Spears last night, and put on their decals as well. They'll need a bit of touch up and bases edges before they get top coated.


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Some shots for this past weekend. We ended up with 18 guys from across the northeast. Karl surprised everyone (including himself) by going 3-0 with AMTL and winning the Epic trophy (first place), Frank claimed the Dice of Dave (last place) yet again. I won Best Crit for crashing my Cobra into a tree while trying to avoid Jon's pin-point attacks. And I believe Jimmy took home "Best Painted" for his not completely painted Imperial Fists. Enjoy!

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