I've been slogging through the decking, nearly done with this batch just two more ships to go.

I've been slogging through the decking, nearly done with this batch just two more ships to go.
Work continues on the Aeronef. The decks got their base coat and wash, and I managed to paint the highlights on five of them.
I also took one to completion, it got its funnel, turrets, windows and colors done up. Like I said before, I'm not looking to go overboard with these. Just a serviceable, table-top paint job.
I picked up some Austro-Hungarian Aeronef cheap at the start of the year on eBay. My buddy Matt and I intend on playing some games with them. He has, in fact, procured the age old enemies of the Austro-Hungarians, the Japanese. We're likely going to bash a few rule sets together into something that's quick and fun.
I've got a few more things left to build (battleships, fixed wings and a carrier) but this is the lion's share of them. Just a simple base, wash and drybrush. I've got a few details left to do but I don't think I'm going to go full orange Eldar on these.