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Dwarves Aren't Just Going to Blue Themselves

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I'm gaming tonight so I won't get getting any further on these guys this week. The blue shade and base color are down, it needs 1-2 highlights next and I made hit it with a wash to see if I like it better that way. Leathers, flesh, hair and basing to go!

Blue Dwarf Group

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The wood and white have now been finished up and I started in on the blue on the dwarves. This is going to be a long one, I think. There's a lot of small areas that I'll need to be careful on. After that it's leathers, flesh and hair. Fourish weeks left before Fall In, still hoping to make it.

Dwarves: The Natural Choice for an Army Painting Sprint

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The last meaningful work I did on my Warmaster Dwarves was seven years ago (nearly to the day). I'd been humming and hawing about a Warmaster army for awhile now, and settled on the Dwarves when I got back from Scotland a few weeks ago. Since then I've finished the silver and gold, and laid down the first layer for the wood. I have no idea if I'll get these to a usable state before Fall In! in November, but I'm trying.

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