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Epic Armored Company Conquerors

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The Conquerors are finished, short of a top coat and some flocking. I might try to finish up some Executioners or Vultures for EpiComp, not sure yet. Either that or head back to the Romans or something completely different, we'll see where the paint goes.

Silent Death Pit Viper

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I picked up a copy of Silent Death's main boxset for cheap on eBay the other week. I got distracted from Epic and painted up a Pit Viper today. For 30+ year-old, plastic models they're very nice. The detail is crisp and the mold lines clean up quick.

Epic Armored Company Thunderers

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I finished up the Thunderers tonight after working on them for the past couple of weeks. They already made their game debut where they refused to activate for two turns.

I started on the Conquerors tonight too. I'm still hoping to finish these and the Executioners for EpiComp.

Shieldbash Invitational Tournament III

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Five of us got together for the third annual ShIT at Karl's. His washer still does not flush.

15mm Polybian Roman Hastati

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I've been slowly painting this Warmaster cottage up over the past month. It's done enough to show off at this point and just needs a clear coat and some flocking.

I think I started these Romans two weeks ago. They take a bit more time and effort than the WW2 Americans, I think it's the red and metalics. I have their shields yet to do, but I wanted to clear coat them first as the shield covers so much of the figure.

Shieldbash Vidaar Fyrdee

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I've been working on terrain this past month but needed to finish up my trophy miniature for the upcoming Shieldbash Invitation Tournament III. Here he is, in all his glory.

There wasn't much room on the trophy itself so I had to get creative. I was hoping to do a giraffe head on the innertube but ran out of time. I also finished up four Fyrdee for my Vidaar warband. Now back to terrain.

15mm Roman Velites

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I finished up the Velites tonight, the line infantry also has their basecoat of red down as well. I have a small local con coming up where I volunteered to run some Warmaster games so I'm going to take a break from these for a bit to finish up some 10mm terrain. Hopefully I'll be back to painting them in September.

15mm Roman Velites and Epic Armored Company Thunderers

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I've been working on the Velites these past few weeks. Most of the colors have their basecoat down and I'm halfway through painting the red.

I also finished up some more Epic armor conversions recently, notably Thunderers which have 18 pieces of plasticard on them.

15mm Cretan Archers

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I started off my Polybian Romans with not painting any Romans at all, but Cretan Archers. I'll be using these as skirmishers. These are closer to true 15mm than the Romans (more 18mm). I'm telling myself that the Romans were just better fed.

Northeast Epic Armageddon Tournament (NEAT) XV

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We had our fifteenth annual NEAT two weekends ago, with twenty-one of us throwing down on the 6mm field of honor. The armies were fairly varied, with no duplicates except for Steel Legion and Necrons. Jon took home the win with his Steel Legion, while Ben took home best painted with his Iyanden (played as Beil-tan). Finally, Darius technically won the Dice of Dave but cleverly ducked out early so we gave them to Nick.

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