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15mm American NCOs and 30 Cals

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I finished up the last of the infantry I have this week. 40 figures in two weeks is a pretty good output for me. I also went back and painted the leather straps where I saw them over the brim of the helmets as I missed them the first time around. Next are the half-tracks and an M10, then on to something else while I wait for re-supply.

15mm American Bazooka and 60mm Mortar Joe Bubblegum Teams

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I finished up the Bazooka and 60mm Mortar teams last night. I've got 10 more infantry, the 30 cal teams and the NCOs left.

Hanging Out With a 15mm American Rifleman

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I've had these Flames of War models sitting around for a few years now. With some talk of 15mm Konflikt '47 about I thought I'd sneak one onto the desk last night and see how they paint up. Handily, he'll be able to pull double duty in some Chain of Commands games as well. I went for late war, so M43 uniform.

The Last of the 15mm GZG New Israeli

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I finished the last four prone troopers I had from my first batch of New Israeli that I picked up some 10+ years ago. I'm still thinking on the basing.

During the GZG Christmas sale I picked up a few reinforcements, and while they technically weren't on it they were bench adjacent. So I built them all up, then based, primed, base coated and washed them all so they're ready to go when I come back to them.

Clearing Some 15mm GZG New Israeli Distractions

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I've been cleaning up and basing a bunch of GZG's 15mm New Israeli miniatures this week (yup, I bought more :D), as well as getting these a little closer to being finished (part of the great 2022 Painting Bench Clear Off). I'm having second thoughts on the basing scheme, so they're staying bare sand for the time being until I sort something out.

Epic Armored Company: A Year in Review

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Not as many tanks, as compared to last year, but I also managed to paint some Blood Bowl Orcs, Warmaster Dwarf artillery and characters, 8mm Napoleonics, some 15mm SciFi and a snow table so I'll take it. I finished up the Hellhounds and Stormlords this weekend for EpiComp, so I think I'll head back and try to clear some of my various tangeants for the year off of my painting desk. Then I'll start some more!

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