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Epic House Devine, Flocked, Tufted and Topcoated

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I topcoated the Slaanesh knights this week, then added some flock and a few alien tufts. They're done for real this time.

I working on converting some Debasers (Slaanesh Defilers) as well as some infantry and other titans.

Epic House Devine Pretty Much Done

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I didn't quite get as far as I hoped but these are done enough for NEAT. They need some gloss and dullcotes, and their flocking and tufts, but otherwise they're good enough to bring the pain this Saturday.

I also might add some heat destoration to the weapons, if I can find a technique I like.

After that, it's on to the scout Titans, and the rest.

Epic House Devine Secondary Colors

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Making progress on the secondary colors. There's one more leader to paint, I think I'm going to go tiger stripes for it. The others got zebra and leopard print. After that I need to block out some black, paint the pink icons, the metal bits and then the bases.

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