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American Civil War Union Infantry Command

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I finished up eight command strips this past week for what I painted so far and got the Tiny Tin Troops standards on them as well. I've done some pretty fiddly conversion projects in the past and these are right up there with them. Between all the aligning, cutting and glueing they're pretty involved. I like the effect though, they add a lot of character.

The Penultimate American Civil War Union Infantry

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I finished another two units this week. All that's left are the eight command strips, which I hope to finish next week along with the flags that came in for Tiny Tin Troops. Then I'll get them glued to some bases and put in the flocking queue.

Another Brigade of American Civil War Union Infantry

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Finished up another brigade this week. I'm on the hunt for more Baccus skirmishers as I want to have 3 stands of formed behind three stands of skirmishers to make my units.

Chaos Cultist and Mutant Conversions

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I wanted a little more variety in my Chaos Cultist and Mutant stands so I've been doing weapon swaps between the two models. I'm nearly done, the last bit will be to convert Cultists with both Beastmen weapons and vice versa.

I'm also kicking around ideas for heavy weapon cultists. One Heavy Stubber and one panzerfaust-esque model. Nothing to show yet for them.

I also painted up some more Union infantry. Six strips took me about 3 hours, which isn't horrible for me.

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