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6mm Battle of Proctor's Creek

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Some pics from my Altar of Freedom game at HAVOC on April 7th, the Battle of Proctor's Creek. There's still plenty left to do for them including painting the skirmish stands and flocking everything. I'd like to bring it down to Historicon or Fall In!.

6mm American Civil War Confederate Generals

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I finished up the Confederate generals this week, and also cleaned up and primed my Union skirmishers. We'll see how far I get with those in the coming weeks, there's a Blood Bowl 7s games day in May that I need to paint a few more Orc positionals for.

6mm American Civil War Flags and Generals

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I've been finishing up a bunch of odds and ends this week, getting everything ready for Sunday. All the bases have the AK Interactive Dark Earth on them, and I put the flags on the last of the Union and all of the Confederate infantry.

I also finished up the Union generals as well. I need to finish a single Confederate general for Sunday and the rest I'll save for next week. Then maybe the skirmishers or back to the Steel Rift.

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