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15mm Khazar Spearmen

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I finished up another quick 15mm side project this week, the remaining eight spearmen for the 15mm Khazar. They won't be much use in the Khazar army, but I use them all in a Tahirid army which reverses the numbers of horse and foot units from Khazar. I'm all for double dipping figure usage, especially when it nets you a different playstyle.

40k Night Lords Special Weapons

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I started my next batch of Night Lords last week, the basecoats are down and washed at this point. I'm hoping to finish them up by the end of the month but I may take a quick detour to finish some Khazar spearmen for a games day on the 22nd.

Slavic Light Foot for 15mm Khazar

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Painting 15mm always seems to go quick, I finished these 15mm Slavic Light Foot for my Khazar army this week. I'd like to be able to double-dip with this army and play them as Tahirid too in Triumph! so they'll be usable there too.

Hopefully I'll be able to top-coat these guys tomorrow along with a few more Epic formations, then get them based up for a game Saturday. After that I think I'll tackle another four Night Lords.

Four Night Lords Aspiring Champions! Ah Ah Ah!

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Four 40k Night Lords Aspiring Champions "done". I have a few more things I need to get ready for priming, once that happens I'll paint their guns. And the bases… those are still a thought in process. Onto some light foot for my 15mm Khazar's.

40k Night Lords Aspiring Champions

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My goal for 2025 is make progress on (or, dare I say… finish) projects that I've started and stalled-out on these past few years. With that in mind, here's some Night Lords that I built last year which never saw any paint save for a base spray coat. I've easily got over a dozen 40k armies from the 90s/early 2000s era and it would be nice if some of that old metal could see the table sometime before the 2090s.

The internet tells me that Night Lords aren't Night Lords without their lightning details, so I've been figuring those out this past week too.

Rather than push on with these guys, I'd like to try something different this year and do small projects to try and avoid burnout. After these four I think I'll try and pump out a few Triumph! bases, then some more Night Lords, rinse and repeat.

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