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She's Nosferatu. She's Italian?

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Still working on the wolves, I did their claws this week and started painting all the metal parts gloss black. That's nearly done, not sure if I'll make it for CaptainCon though. Because not a lot on them has changed I've got something else for you guys, my vampires.

I wasn't a fan of the horned heads (I found something I didn't like on all the vampire sculpts) so I asked Bob Naismith (my go-to sculptor for Warmonger Miniatures) to sculpt up some masquerade masks for me. This was the result. I took care of the hair, backs of the heads and the weapon swaps (Wargames Factory spanish cavalry swords).

Finally, this Hestra Nostrollo conversion is all me. I put Hestra's head and hands on a Dark Sword Lannister Lady in Waiting figure. The back from the top of her head to her waist was some of my most extensive putty work to date. I was pretty happy how she came out, so much so that I threw down a base coat and some shading last night. I want to try and paint her dress a pearlescent white, anyone have any tips there? I got some Liquitex Iridescent Medium (which is suppoed to really be pearlescent) to try out.

I'd Like to Meet His Tailor

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Finally finished up the leather on my werewolves, all that's left at this point is claws and metal. I'm hoping to have that finished for CaptainCon the first week of February, as well as some Zeti base coated.

Dragon Princes, sans Fat Horses

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It's been awhile since I posted anything Warmaster related. I've been slowly converting these Dragon Princes over the past year. I wasn't a fan of the originals so I modified some Silver Helms with head swaps and dragon ears on the horses. No paint yet, I'm hoping to get to them this year though after I finish up my Wrath of Kings Goritsi.

I also have some Sea Guard in the works, I just need to finish their command. Then I can to figure out how I'm going to do White Lions and Chrace chariots.

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