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Dwarf Leather Daddies

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I put the final two highlights on the blue this past week, managed to get the bases and boots based coated, and now I'm working through all the leather belts, straps and satchels on the dwarves.

Warmaster Dwarves Warmaster Dwarf Command Warmaster Dwarf General

I was also curious last night and took one figure to completion. I didn't use a wash on the skin, I'm not sure if that's the way to go yet. You can also see the leather on this guy too, not sure if it needs one more highlight or not. Thoughts?

Warmaster Dwarf Thunderers Warmaster Dwarf Butts
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Due to the skin and gunmetal, unless you were to use a MIG pigment. I wouldn't worry too much. With that said every 10mm mini gets an overall wash with me. I use either Army painter dip or MIG pigments.

Ya got to remember 10mm is small and normally based in large groupings, representing whole companies or regiments, 80 dudes per base. In that respect I would not push too hard on the old school foundry 3 color system or wet blending. You will see great results with blocking in base palette colors. Then throwing down a pretty good wash.
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