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American Civil War Union Infantry

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Messing around with something different, ACW Union Infantry from Baccus. I took Napoleonic Therapy's method and added a few highlights. Everything is Coat d'arms paints.

Epic Flawless Host Noise Marines Finished Up

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I ended up going with a seafoam green for the Blast Masters on the Noise Marines. I think it sets them apart nicely from the rest. THese are all finished up now, aside for topcoats and flocking. I'll get to that down the road when I have a few more things in the queue for the airbrush.

Epic Flawless Host Noise Marines

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I've been working on these Noise Marines in the Flawless Host scheme for the last month or so. Thoughts on the actual Noise Marine model? I'm not sure on the weapon, specifically. I'm wondering if I should add some color somewhere.

Anyway, they're almost done bar the basing and Noise Marines. These Epic 40k era plastic figures have a crazy ammount of detail on them, and I'm compelled to try and paint all of it (hense the long paint time). Sourcing the standard marines was slightly easier than straight Noise Marines so I just did a single one per stand to represent the Blast Master they have.

The Icon Bearer is stock, but I put a pin head on the bottom of his plinth and a magnet in the base so I can pop him on there when I need it. Not sure what I'm going to do with the banner yet, maybe just a Flawless Host decal.

The Champion is a Berzerker conversion, I head swapped a Daemoneete head on to it.

Northeast Epic Armageddon Tournament XVI

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NEAT went down two Saturdays ago. We had 19 players slugging it out over three rounds throughout the day. Jon's Necrons and Chris's Speed Freeks went undefeated, with Jon coming out on top with slightly more objectives across the day. Pics are below, enjoy!

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