HAVOC XXXI Toggle HAVOC XXXI Share Buttons Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest posted by Dave @ 2015-04-30 09:58 Edit Post Jump to previous post… Jump to next post… Forgot I had these! Here's some shot's from some games around this years HAVOC. Show Previous SlideShow Next Slide The Empire battle line. le Monkey's line. Yo ho ho and bottle of banana rum. Baron von Dave, leading form the rear. The ships shove off. Yar! First blood! The Empire admiral tried to swing around the island, the Bretonnian's just crushed their left flank. Sail (run) away, sail (run) away, sail (run) away! The Mortars took out a Corsair or two. The rest of the stuff just sailed around. A bit of close-quarters. Shots from my Bolt Action game. I liked those walls so much I bought three sets for my WoK terrain. The Germans had to defend. Thatsa lot of gabions! My germans are still waiting. My panzerfaust got real lucky. This was my last one, so I had to save it. A scale near (and dear) to my heart. Average Camels are average. Some shots from my Chain of Command game. I laid down lots of suppression. But these guys got shot to pieces when they tried to climb over the fence. Everyone right before their tripped over the fence.