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Epic Chaos, Necrons and 6mm ACW Oh My!

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I finished up the Questor Titan that I left nearly finished a few months back. I went with green for the wepaon pods.

I also finished converting six stands of Flayed Ones this week as well. I cut strips of plasticard into long triangles, glued them together, and then glued them to the Exodus Wars models to give them claws. Definitely one of the fiddleist conversions I'm done. Six more stands to go. :P

Finally, I finished another unit of Union Infantry. I based the other eight I've done at somepoint too but never took a picture. They need basing still.

Epic Necron Pariahs and Destroyers

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I barreled through the last of the Necron infantry I have built this week, finishing up the Pariahs and another six Destroyers. I need to finish converting some Flayed Ones and then pick up some Wraiths.

Fall In! 2023 Epic Armageddon Tournament

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Eight of the Adeptus Ineptus headed down to Fall In! this past weekend to join five others for an Epic Armageddon tournament run by Kal. Much 6mm death was dished out and a good time was had by all.

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