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Yet more Warmaster Dwarven Artillery

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I finished drybrushing all the bases for the Warmaster Dwarves this week, just the flock left on all them.

I finished the characters too and got them on their bases.

Finally, I did the base coats for the artillery as well. They still need washes and highlights however, hopefully I'll be able to get to that next week.

Also, I wanted to mention I started using Testors Glosscote and Dullcoate via my airbrush, thinned 1:1 with lacquer thinner. I had been using the cans but they're getting so expensive now I thought I'd try the liquid stuff. I can't tell any difference between the two right now, but it sure does dry super fast via the airbrush. I was able to pick up the artillery in under a minute.

Warmaster Dwarven Artillery

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I've been working on the Dwarves that I left unfinished two Novembers ago. The bases are nearly done, just another drybrush and flocking left. The artillery needed a bit more work, the crews are nearly done now with just the leather, wood and small details to go. Once they're done I'll finish the wood and metal on the artillery pieces themselves.

I also had two more heroes that were left half-done. They've been along with the ride with the crew. With these done I'd need to do some more building but I have another dozen or so units planned to bring the army up to 3,000 points.

Finally, I got down to the makerspare the other day to use the laser cutter. I made some bases for a mystery project out of 1.5mm plasticard. I hope to start this one in April.

The Crooked Eye Cod Crunchaz: An Orc Blood Bowl Team

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I finally finished up a quick tangent that took entirely too long: a Blood Bowl Orc Team. These are the Crooked Eye Cod Crunchaz, arch-rivals of the Southside Codpiecers.

There's a fair bit of detail on these models, which coupled with only painting a couple hours of week lead to working on them for far too long. The decals are custom, with the exception of the numbers and base labels.

I'll do another three Blitzers and Black Orcs at some point, and then maybe some more line-orc subs.

I added some painted dents and scratches to one of the line-orcs, I'm deciding if I want to add it to all of them at this point.

Anyway, planning on basing my Warmaster dwarves next.

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