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Historicon 2021 Epic and Warmaster Tournaments

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I headed down to King of Prussia, PA this past week to host a Warmaster Revoluation tournament and play in an Epic Armageddon tournament. Pics below!

We had 11 people register for Warmaster, but due to health issues, traffic and life commitments ended up with 6 for two rounds and four for the last round. Dwarves, Daemons, Dogs of War, Bretonnians, Lizardmen and Orcs made up the armies and we played a few scenarios out of the Revoluation book and one off of Kris's blog.

For Epic we have 8 people for the day, including Death Guard, World Eaters, Dark Eldar, Biel-tan, Krieg, Steel Legion, Minervan and Tyranids. My 27 DC of Imperial might managed to take home the win after a cagey game of cat-and-mouse against Jon's Death Guard that went to points in the last game.

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